Welcome to Performance Physiques.

We are thrilled that you are considering our services as your personal trainer and gym. We believe in providing a comprehensive fitness experience tailored to your specific goals and needs. In this information page, we will walk you through the process and what you can expect when you join our fitness program.

  • The first step in your fitness journey with us is a personalized fitness consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss your fitness goals, assess your current fitness level, and understand any specific requirements or limitations you may have. This consultation allows us to design a customized program that aligns with your goals and sets you up for success.

  • Once we have gathered all the necessary information, you have the option to choose between 1-on-1 training or small group training sessions. Our personal trainers are highly skilled and experienced in both formats. 1-on-1 sessions provide individualized attention and are perfect if you prefer a more personalized approach. On the other hand, small group sessions allow for camaraderie and support from others who share similar fitness aspirations.

  • To maximize your progress and achieve optimal results, we believe that nutrition plays a crucial role. As part of our services, we offer custom meal plans. These plans are tailored to your specific dietary requirements and preferences. As an option, our partner, Chef Kennardo will work with you to bring your meal plan to life with his meal preparation service. We supports your fitness goals in the kitchen and at the gym.

  • We are committed to your success and progress. To ensure you stay on track and receive ongoing support, we provide weekly check-ins. During these check-ins, we will review your progress, address any concerns or challenges you may be facing, and make necessary adjustments to your training or nutrition plan. This regular communication helps us track your progress and keep you motivated throughout your fitness journey.

  • At Performance Physiques, we believe in building a strong support system. Our trainers are dedicated to providing continuous guidance, motivation, and support to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your fitness goals. Whether you need assistance during your training sessions or have questions outside of the gym, we are here to help you every step of the way.Item description

Visit Us

2945 Suite D, Derita Ave
Charlotte, NC 28269

(704) 998-9644
